“It is more valuable to have the respect than the admiration of the people”. Jean Jacques Rousseau
The healthcare and life sciences sectors are going through a decisive moment in the process to define themselves. The regulation of these sectors is a requirement that no public body can overlook.
At Ramón y Cajal we focus all our efforts on ensuring that we provide an optimum service to our clients in these areas, and in particular to the pharmaceutical sector, in anything concerning the authorisation of medicinal products and medical devices and their inclusion in the pharmaceutical products offered by Spanish National Health System, or the establishing of reimbursement prices, among other matters.
We also advise the main companies operating in the self-care health sector (non-prescribed medicines, medical devices, food supplements, cosmetics, homeopathic medicines, biocidal products and plant-based medicines, among other products).
We have a highly-experienced team of lawyers working in this field and have excellent relations with the public authorities and in particular with the Spanish Ministry of Health, the Spanish Medicinal Products and Medicals Devices Agency (Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios) and other regulatory bodies.
Our main services in this area are: