
Ignacio combines professional practice with a solid academic and teaching vocation, which makes him an expert in corporate and commercial law.

Ignacio specialises in mergers and acquisitions, the securities market and corporate governance, both for listed and unlisted companies, as well as in advising on disputes between partners. He has more than twenty years of professional experience in renowned national and international law firms.

He has advised national and foreign clients in takeover bids, IPOs, as well as in numerous internal and cross-border M&A transactions and corporate restructurings. He also has experience in transactional real estate transactions. 

Ignacio is also secretary and member of the board of directors of several national and international companies. 


  • General Management Programme (PDG), IESE Business School.
  • Master in Business and Energy Law, Centro Universitario Villanueva.
  • Master of Laws  (LLM), Instituto de Empresa (IE).
  • Master in Communication Management, CESMA Business School.
  • Degree in Law, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


Associate Professor of Commercial Law at the Complutense University of Madrid since 2014.

He has also given lectures on corporate law and M&A at other institutions, such as ISDE and the Madrid Bar Association.


  • Co-author of Memento de los Sistemas Financieros (Banca, Bolsa y Seguros), 2020, Ed. Francis Lefebre (author of the sections on the primary issuance market, entities involved in the securities placement process, regulated markets and takeover bids).
  • “La suspensión del régimen de liberalización de inversiones o el renacer de la Golden Share”, Revista Aranzadi Doctrinal, April 2020.
  • “Derecho de separación en caso de falta de distribución dedividendos: necesario, pero ¿suficiente y eficiente?”, Revista Aranzadi Doctrinal, February 2012.
  • “Prohibición de competencia en las sociedades de capital: un tratamiento desigual”, Diario Jurídico, March 2012.
  • “Derecho a la propia imagen en la retransmisión de la Junta General”, Legal Today, June 2011.


The following congresses in which Ignacio has been a speaker are worth mentioning:
  • Reestructuring of the financial system and new negociation strategies, October 2013, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts). Lecture: ‘Institutional shareholder activism and the role of proxy advisors: steps towards greater transparency and control”. 
  • Corporate and financial law problems: a transatlantic perspective, October 2014, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts). Participation in the round table ‘The role and functioning of the general meeting: old and new problems’ (coordinated by Juan Sánchez-Calero).
  • EurofinUse Congress (Euroshareholders), May 2015 (Madrid). Moderator of the round table “Pescanova case”.
  • Congreso AEMEC Capitalismo Ciudadano, May 2016 (Madrid). “Conflict of interest in the board of directors - NH Hoteles case”.
  • International Investor Conference on the European Capital Markets Union, organised by DSW/Better Finance, November 2016 (Wiesbaden, Germany). “Market Manipulation”.
  • Better Finance Congress, September 2016 (Brussels, Belgium). Deputy Chairman of the Legal Committee of Better Finance.
  • BWorld Law Congress, organised by the World Jurist Association, February 2019 (Madrid). Lecture: “Ethics, Sustainability and Corporate Governance”.
  • Control market, strategic companies and national sovereignty, organised by ICADE and the Garrigues Chair for the Modernisation of Company Law, October 2023 (Madrid). Lecture “Control mechanisms for foreign investments (art. 7 bis Law 19/2003) and new features of Royal Decree 571/2023”.

Ignacio Aragón Alonso

Mergers and acquisitions
Corporate and Corporate Governance

Ignacio Aragón Alonso

Mergers and acquisitions
Corporate and Corporate Governance


Ignacio combines professional practice with a solid academic and teaching vocation, which makes him an expert in corporate and commercial law.

Ignacio specialises in mergers and acquisitions, the securities market and corporate governance, both for listed and unlisted companies, as well as in advising on disputes between partners. He has more than twenty years of professional experience in renowned national and international law firms.

He has advised national and foreign clients in takeover bids, IPOs, as well as in numerous internal and cross-border M&A transactions and corporate restructurings. He also has experience in transactional real estate transactions. 

Ignacio is also secretary and member of the board of directors of several national and international companies. 


  • General Management Programme (PDG), IESE Business School.
  • Master in Business and Energy Law, Centro Universitario Villanueva.
  • Master of Laws  (LLM), Instituto de Empresa (IE).
  • Master in Communication Management, CESMA Business School.
  • Degree in Law, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


Associate Professor of Commercial Law at the Complutense University of Madrid since 2014.

He has also given lectures on corporate law and M&A at other institutions, such as ISDE and the Madrid Bar Association.


  • Co-author of Memento de los Sistemas Financieros (Banca, Bolsa y Seguros), 2020, Ed. Francis Lefebre (author of the sections on the primary issuance market, entities involved in the securities placement process, regulated markets and takeover bids).
  • “La suspensión del régimen de liberalización de inversiones o el renacer de la Golden Share”, Revista Aranzadi Doctrinal, April 2020.
  • “Derecho de separación en caso de falta de distribución dedividendos: necesario, pero ¿suficiente y eficiente?”, Revista Aranzadi Doctrinal, February 2012.
  • “Prohibición de competencia en las sociedades de capital: un tratamiento desigual”, Diario Jurídico, March 2012.
  • “Derecho a la propia imagen en la retransmisión de la Junta General”, Legal Today, June 2011.


The following congresses in which Ignacio has been a speaker are worth mentioning:
  • Reestructuring of the financial system and new negociation strategies, October 2013, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts). Lecture: ‘Institutional shareholder activism and the role of proxy advisors: steps towards greater transparency and control”. 
  • Corporate and financial law problems: a transatlantic perspective, October 2014, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts). Participation in the round table ‘The role and functioning of the general meeting: old and new problems’ (coordinated by Juan Sánchez-Calero).
  • EurofinUse Congress (Euroshareholders), May 2015 (Madrid). Moderator of the round table “Pescanova case”.
  • Congreso AEMEC Capitalismo Ciudadano, May 2016 (Madrid). “Conflict of interest in the board of directors - NH Hoteles case”.
  • International Investor Conference on the European Capital Markets Union, organised by DSW/Better Finance, November 2016 (Wiesbaden, Germany). “Market Manipulation”.
  • Better Finance Congress, September 2016 (Brussels, Belgium). Deputy Chairman of the Legal Committee of Better Finance.
  • BWorld Law Congress, organised by the World Jurist Association, February 2019 (Madrid). Lecture: “Ethics, Sustainability and Corporate Governance”.
  • Control market, strategic companies and national sovereignty, organised by ICADE and the Garrigues Chair for the Modernisation of Company Law, October 2023 (Madrid). Lecture “Control mechanisms for foreign investments (art. 7 bis Law 19/2003) and new features of Royal Decree 571/2023”.