There are more articles in the Spanish version.


Main measures of the Draft Bill for Spanish Housing Rights Act

On 1 February 2022, the Council of Ministers approved a draft bill for the Spanish Housing Rights Act (the "Housing Act"). Upon the admission of the Housing Act to parliamentary processing as a draft bill following the agreement reached between the Government and the parliamentary group ERC, we believe it is relevant to analyse in this newsletter the main measures set forth in the Housing Act which could have an impact on the main players of the Spanish market real estate transactions.


Ramón y Cajal advised Canadian Solar on its €100m guaranteed green note program filed with the MARF

Ramón y Cajal acted as legal advisor as to Spanish law to Canadian Solar EMEA Capital Markets SAU (as a SPV issuer) and its parent company Canadian Solar Inc. (as guarantor) in connection with a € 100m guaranteed green note program filed with the Spanish MARF.
