
Pedro Soriano is Partner in the Civil and Criminal Litigation Practice of the Barcelona office of Ramón y Cajal Abogados, having joined the firm in 2012. He has extensive experience in the field of financial criminal law, with particular emphasis on the area of tax offences, corporate crime, crimes against public health and crimes against property, among others, as well as matters relating to corporate criminal liability and the introduction of corporate compliance programmes.

He also has extensive experience in the area of civil litigation law and insolvency law, advising on matters relating to procurement law, construction, unfair competition, distribution or the liability of company directors, among many others. 

His legal practice is international, having participated in a significant number of proceedings for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards in Spain, as well as numerous arbitration proceedings.


Degree and Master’s Degree in Company Law and International Law from ESADE- Universidad Ramón Llull (2000).


  • Conference on “Corporate criminal liability” at the Corporación Radio y Televisión Española (CRTVE)- 21 June 2018.
  • Workshop on “Criminal Liability and Compliance Programmes”. Course on Admission to the Bar, ISDE, 27 April 2016.
  • Conference on “Corporate criminal liability and directors’ liability in the amendment of the Criminal Code. Preventive control measures of companies”. 19 June 2014 (in conjunction with Foment del Treball Nacional).
  • Conference on “The reform of company liability provisions. Preventive control measures of companies”. 13 March 2014 (Hotel Hilton, Ramón y Cajal).
  • Conferences on the “Criminal liability of companies. New crimes in the corporate sector”: 17 November 2010, 15 December 2010 (in conjunction with ESADE), 27 January 2011 (in conjunction with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona) and 3 February 2011 (in conjunction with the British Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona).
  • “The Hague Abduction Convention and the wrongfully removed child”- Conference at the International Bar Association (IBA) - Madrid, 6 October 2009.
  • Master’s Degree in Legal Practice of the Universidad de Barcelona: “Documentation Forgeries”- 28 April 2008.
  • In-house workshops at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Barcelona: “Liability of Company Directors” (27 February 2008) and “Small Claims Proceedings” (5 February 2007).


  • “Incertidumbre en Cerdeña”, artículo sobre el proceso de extradición en Italia del expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont. (“Uncertainty in Cerdeña”, an article on the proceedings conducted in Italy for the extradition of the ex-President of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont.). In: Agenda Publica (24 September 2011).
  • “Primar por perder o empatar ya es delito” (“Rewarding a loss or tie is now a crime”). In: Cinco Días (19 May 2011).
  • “¿Error en el consumidor? Una tesis controvertida” (“The consumer’s error. A controversial notion.”). In: Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi (22 July 2010).
  • “The impact of the financial meltdown on Spanish bankruptcy courts” - International Litigation News (Newsletter of the IBA Legal Practice Division) - April 2009.
  • “El secuestro parental internacional” (“International child abduction”). In: Gaceta de los Negocios (16 April 2007).


Member of the Barcelona Bar Association (Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Barcelona).


Catalan, English, German, French and Italian

Pedro Soriano

Civil Litigation
Restructuring and insolvency

Pedro Soriano

Civil Litigation
Restructuring and insolvency


Pedro Soriano is Partner in the Civil and Criminal Litigation Practice of the Barcelona office of Ramón y Cajal Abogados, having joined the firm in 2012. He has extensive experience in the field of financial criminal law, with particular emphasis on the area of tax offences, corporate crime, crimes against public health and crimes against property, among others, as well as matters relating to corporate criminal liability and the introduction of corporate compliance programmes.

He also has extensive experience in the area of civil litigation law and insolvency law, advising on matters relating to procurement law, construction, unfair competition, distribution or the liability of company directors, among many others. 

His legal practice is international, having participated in a significant number of proceedings for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards in Spain, as well as numerous arbitration proceedings.


Degree and Master’s Degree in Company Law and International Law from ESADE- Universidad Ramón Llull (2000).


  • Conference on “Corporate criminal liability” at the Corporación Radio y Televisión Española (CRTVE)- 21 June 2018.
  • Workshop on “Criminal Liability and Compliance Programmes”. Course on Admission to the Bar, ISDE, 27 April 2016.
  • Conference on “Corporate criminal liability and directors’ liability in the amendment of the Criminal Code. Preventive control measures of companies”. 19 June 2014 (in conjunction with Foment del Treball Nacional).
  • Conference on “The reform of company liability provisions. Preventive control measures of companies”. 13 March 2014 (Hotel Hilton, Ramón y Cajal).
  • Conferences on the “Criminal liability of companies. New crimes in the corporate sector”: 17 November 2010, 15 December 2010 (in conjunction with ESADE), 27 January 2011 (in conjunction with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona) and 3 February 2011 (in conjunction with the British Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona).
  • “The Hague Abduction Convention and the wrongfully removed child”- Conference at the International Bar Association (IBA) - Madrid, 6 October 2009.
  • Master’s Degree in Legal Practice of the Universidad de Barcelona: “Documentation Forgeries”- 28 April 2008.
  • In-house workshops at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Barcelona: “Liability of Company Directors” (27 February 2008) and “Small Claims Proceedings” (5 February 2007).


  • “Incertidumbre en Cerdeña”, artículo sobre el proceso de extradición en Italia del expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont. (“Uncertainty in Cerdeña”, an article on the proceedings conducted in Italy for the extradition of the ex-President of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont.). In: Agenda Publica (24 September 2011).
  • “Primar por perder o empatar ya es delito” (“Rewarding a loss or tie is now a crime”). In: Cinco Días (19 May 2011).
  • “¿Error en el consumidor? Una tesis controvertida” (“The consumer’s error. A controversial notion.”). In: Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi (22 July 2010).
  • “The impact of the financial meltdown on Spanish bankruptcy courts” - International Litigation News (Newsletter of the IBA Legal Practice Division) - April 2009.
  • “El secuestro parental internacional” (“International child abduction”). In: Gaceta de los Negocios (16 April 2007).


Member of the Barcelona Bar Association (Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Barcelona).


Catalan, English, German, French and Italian