
Partner in the Civil Litigation department, after 33 years in the litigation department of Banco Santander, the last 22 as director of business units in the litigation legal department.

Carlos has built his professional career in the financial sector. He worked in the legal department of Banco Central, later Central Hispano, as a regional lawyer in charge of managing the bank’s lawsuits and the legal coordination of external lawyers in other Spanish provinces. He went on to become Head Lawyer of the Appeals Service and of the Guaranteed Affairs Unit of the General Sub-Directorate of Litigation, as well as Deputy Director of Banco Central Hispanoamericano. Between 1999 and 2022 he was deputy director of the general sub-directorate of Litigation and of the Procedural Legal Advisory area of Santander Central Hispano, following the merger of the two banks in 1999.

Since 2002, he held the position of director of the Business Unit Legal Department of the Litigation area, managing and coordinating legal proceedings brought against the bank, specialising in consumer law.


  • Degree in Law, Universidad Complutense of Madrid.
  • Advanced Management Development Programme, Instituto de Empresa (IE).


Carlos has taught on various courses on litigation and legal rhetoric and reasoning at Madrid’s Universidad Complutense, Universidad San Pablo CEU and the Madrid Bar Association.

He is also a regular speaker at conferences at many institutions.



  • “Aspectos prácticos de la Administración Judicial y la Posesión Interina de inmuebles” (“Practical aspects of judicial administration and the interim possession of property”).
  • “Las notificaciones en el juicio ejecutivo: derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva y derecho a la intimidad personal” (“Notifications in executive proceedings: the right to effective legal protection and the right to personal privacy”). La Constitución y la Práctica del Derecho, tomo III. Aranzadi Editorial, 1998.
  • “Aspectos procesales de las operaciones bancarias: estudio de la jurisprudencia de la Audiencia Provincial de Madrid” (“Procedural aspects of banking operations: a study of the case law from the Provincial Court of Madrid”). Estudios sobre Derecho Procesal, volumen IV. Editorial Sopec, 1995.
  • “La posibilidad de ejercicio simultáneo de las acciones causal y cambiaria derivadas del contrato de descuento” (“The simultaneous exercise of the causal and exchange actions derived from the discount contract”). Derecho del Mercado Financiero, tomo II, volumen 1. Editorial Civitas, 1994.
  • “La sociedad de gananciales, ¿comunidad romana o germánica?” (“Community of property, Roman or Germanic community?”). Recopilación de Notas Informativas a los Letrados, Central Hispano, 1992.
  • “Fraude procesal” (“Procedural fraud”). Recopilación de Notas Informativas a los Letrados, Central Hispano, 1991.



Member of the Madrid Bar Association (Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid).



Carlos Garnica

Civil Litigation

Carlos Garnica

Civil Litigation


Partner in the Civil Litigation department, after 33 years in the litigation department of Banco Santander, the last 22 as director of business units in the litigation legal department.

Carlos has built his professional career in the financial sector. He worked in the legal department of Banco Central, later Central Hispano, as a regional lawyer in charge of managing the bank’s lawsuits and the legal coordination of external lawyers in other Spanish provinces. He went on to become Head Lawyer of the Appeals Service and of the Guaranteed Affairs Unit of the General Sub-Directorate of Litigation, as well as Deputy Director of Banco Central Hispanoamericano. Between 1999 and 2022 he was deputy director of the general sub-directorate of Litigation and of the Procedural Legal Advisory area of Santander Central Hispano, following the merger of the two banks in 1999.

Since 2002, he held the position of director of the Business Unit Legal Department of the Litigation area, managing and coordinating legal proceedings brought against the bank, specialising in consumer law.


  • Degree in Law, Universidad Complutense of Madrid.
  • Advanced Management Development Programme, Instituto de Empresa (IE).


Carlos has taught on various courses on litigation and legal rhetoric and reasoning at Madrid’s Universidad Complutense, Universidad San Pablo CEU and the Madrid Bar Association.

He is also a regular speaker at conferences at many institutions.



  • “Aspectos prácticos de la Administración Judicial y la Posesión Interina de inmuebles” (“Practical aspects of judicial administration and the interim possession of property”).
  • “Las notificaciones en el juicio ejecutivo: derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva y derecho a la intimidad personal” (“Notifications in executive proceedings: the right to effective legal protection and the right to personal privacy”). La Constitución y la Práctica del Derecho, tomo III. Aranzadi Editorial, 1998.
  • “Aspectos procesales de las operaciones bancarias: estudio de la jurisprudencia de la Audiencia Provincial de Madrid” (“Procedural aspects of banking operations: a study of the case law from the Provincial Court of Madrid”). Estudios sobre Derecho Procesal, volumen IV. Editorial Sopec, 1995.
  • “La posibilidad de ejercicio simultáneo de las acciones causal y cambiaria derivadas del contrato de descuento” (“The simultaneous exercise of the causal and exchange actions derived from the discount contract”). Derecho del Mercado Financiero, tomo II, volumen 1. Editorial Civitas, 1994.
  • “La sociedad de gananciales, ¿comunidad romana o germánica?” (“Community of property, Roman or Germanic community?”). Recopilación de Notas Informativas a los Letrados, Central Hispano, 1992.
  • “Fraude procesal” (“Procedural fraud”). Recopilación de Notas Informativas a los Letrados, Central Hispano, 1991.



Member of the Madrid Bar Association (Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid).

